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The Gateway Skating Club is supported by our Executive Board Members, who are elected during our Annual General Meeting in May.
PresidentDavid Marples2 yr term. Expires 2026 |
Vice-PresidentDerek Kleinscroth2 yr term. Expires 2026 |
SecretaryKayla Joy2 yr term. Expires 2025 |
TreasurerBeth White2 yr term. Expires 2026 |
Assessment ChairIka Septianasari2 yr term. Expires 2026 |
Fundraising/Casino Chair (Member at Large)Stacy Bandura2 yr term. Expires 2025 |
Volunteer Coordinator Chair (Member at Large)Sharleen Steinhauer2 yr term. Expires 2025 |
Events / Ice Show Coordinator Chair (Member at Large)Megan Baty2 yr term. Expires 2026 |
Undesignated (Member at Large)Dina Nehring2 yr term. Expires 2024 |
Undesignated (Member at Large)Sara Hong1 yr term. Expires 2025 |
Summary of Executive Position Responsibilities
President: The President is responsible for all club activities. Chairs regular Gateway Board meetings and represents the Club at Region and other Skate Canada meetings.
Vice-President: The Vice-President is responsible for working with coaches, reviews programs and schedules and carries out the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Secretary: The Secretary takes minutes at all meetings and distributes to the executive. The Secretary also manages advertising for the Club and its programs/handles all clubwear for the club.
Treasurer: The Treasurer works with the club's Bookkeeper and is responsible for managing the Clubs finances and reporting as required.
Assessment Chair (Member at Large): The Test Chairperson is responsible for arranging and supervising all Skate Canada test days.
Fundraising/Casino (Member at Large): The Fundraising Chairperson is responsible for organizing fundraising activities for the Club including the Club Casino.
Volunteer Coordinator (Member at Large): The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for creating and updating an annual plan for volunteer requirements and ensuring that volunteer requirements are met.
Events / Ice Show Coordinator (Member at Large): The Events Chair is responsible for overseeing and planning all club events during the year. This includes working with coaches and executive to ensure that meeting rooms and facilities are booked as necessary, organizing food and related items for special events, test days, booking facilities and catering for the AGM. The Ice show coordinator is responsible for planning and organizing the year end Ice Show.
Undesignated (Member at Large): Undesignated Member(s) at Large attend regular meetings and assist other executive as needed throughout the year.
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