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Gateway SC runs two programs that introduces the sport of figure skating. See program description and schedules below.

Gateway Academy

Invitation Only

Ages: 4 - 9 years of age

2024 Fall: Package // Schedule

The Academy is an invitation-only program designed to introduce young skaters to the figure skating sport who show potential as a competitive figure skater, all while promoting self-discipline, confidence, team spirit, work ethic, fun & enjoyment! Skaters under the age of 9 years old are talent-identified and invited from our CanSkate program.

Gateway Academy skaters skate a minimum of two days a week, which includes on-ice and off-ice training. Basic fundamental skills are introduced, including stroking, jumps, spins, edges, turns, and performance. Classes are taught in a group format in a progressive and sequential manner.

Skaters who are excelling in the Academy program have the opportunity to be invited to the Next Step - a bridge program to Private Figure Skating Lessons. Skaters in this program will receive additional training times and will receive semi-private and/or private lessons.

Gateway Academy skaters must have figure skates. Helmets are optional. Skate guards and gloves are recommended.



Invitation Only

Prerequisite: Star 3 CanSkate

2024 Fall: Package // Schedule


The StarPrep program is designed to introduce skaters interested in recreational or competitive figure skating.

Skaters develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate and artistic skating. Classes are taught in a group format in a progressive and sequential manner.

Skaters have the opportunity to take Skate Canada Tests through a nationally standardized testing system. Skaters who excel in this program may be invited to our Private Figure Skating program.

StarPrep skaters must have figure skates. Helmets are optional. Skate guards and gloves are recommended.


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